Wednesday, May 23, 2012

There are 222 days remaining in the year of 2012! On this Sunday, the feast of Pentecost, Easter will have been 50 days ago! It's almost June!! ....Time flies when you're a Catholic. :)

We're slowly getting the summer schedule of events wrapped up here at St. Francis, so keep your eyes open for more info!  Monday night bonfire? Movie nights? Ultimate frisbee?? "Just-show-up" retreat days!? All very possible! More coming soon!

For now, let us again honor Mary :)
May 23 - Mary: Queen of the Apostles
"If we take our Lady's hand, she will make us realize more fully that all men are our brothers - because we are all sons of that God whose daughter, spouse, and mother she is.  Our neighbors' problems must be our problems. Christian fraternity should be something very deep in the soul, so that we are indifferent to no one. Mary, who brought up Jesus and accompanied Him through His life and is now beside Him in heaven, will help us recognize Jesus as he crosses our path and makes himself present to us in the needs of others."

Let us offer Mary today: A kind word, a friendly conversation, a helping hand to persons with whom we live or work.

Be Holy!!

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