Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Wall- Movie Event

(click on the picture to read the Bishops' review)

Remember to bring your $6 for the movie.
Please arrive at the activity room at church between noon and 12:15 pm. We will hang out in the activity room before we go to the movie.
We will eat lunch at about 12:15 pm.
This way, your kids will be checked in and Carol can tell you any last minute details, if necessary.
We will leave for the movie at 12:50 pm.
We will return at approximately 3:30 pm
We will then talk about stewardship and start working on church projects.
Parents can pick kids up at 5 pm in the parking lot.

Do you still want to go to Wall-E?
There is still time.
Call carol at 289-2427!

service opportunities

There are two upcoming service opportunities for those interested:

1)St. Francis of Assisi volunteers will assist in Mega Party o8 which is an ecumenical outreach event for those living in poverty within the trailer park community. There will be music food, games and entertainment. This event will take place on Saturday, August 23rd in the afternoon and evening. Volunteers are needed to run a popcorn stand. If you are interested contact Deacon Dick Mangen at the parish office: 288-7313.

2)Paul Stellpflug annually picks vegetables to donate to Channel One foodshelf. This year, he would like some help! He will need help picking vegetables sometime early to mid august. If interested, contact me at the parish office and I can give you more information!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sign Up for events

You can sign up for the Wall-e movie and Valley Fair in the gathering space before and after masses this weekend. Sign up sheets available on the table . Make sure to take a liability form for EACH event. Anyone who wants to go to Wall-E needs to sign up THIS WEEKEND as the event is next week on Wednesday August 6th!

Attention Parents: Chaperones are needed for both the Wall-E event and Valley Fair. Please contact Carol/sign up this weekend. We need your help in order to provide youth with these events!

Help needed!

Parents! I am in need of a 6th grade catechist for faith formation this year! Is this something you might be interested in? Do you have a child going into 6th grade? What a great way to give back and show your appreciaion to all those catechists who have served your children over the years. Even if you've never been a catechist before--thats ok! We'll provide you with what you need in order to get started. Please let me know if you can help. Remember, we can have a successful program if everyone is involved.


How old do you have to be to be in youth group?

It was so nice to be able to meet so many people at mass this Sunday! I just wanted to clarify (this is the question I was asked most often). The youth group activities are intended for youth grades 6th-12th. If you will be going into 6th through 12th this fall....you're in!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Steubenville North--What a blast!

I wanted to tell you what my experience was like at Steubenville North 2008! The conference started on Friday evening, went through all of Saturday and ended Sunday afternoon. We listened to GREAT live music by the band Sonar. The praise and worship was really high energy and a lot of fun. Everyone was into it. We had good food at every mealtime. We listened to speakers, had separate women's and men's sessions, had fun staying overnight in the hotel and also enjoyed some small group time. I wish that I could show you what an intense, exciting time we had...words just don't really do it justice. I met some really nice people from other parishes in Rochester and people from North and South Dakota, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin and more!

There were about 25 youth from the Rochester area that I had the privilege of meeting and spending time with. In total, about 700 youth attended this awesome event. Most everyone I spoke to said they want to bring someone when they come next year. And the dates are already planned!! The next Steubenville North Conference will be held in Rochester July 17-19, 2009!

I would really encourage all of you to consider going to this BIG event. This is such a cool opportunity because its so huge but we don't have to travel to get anywhere--its right here in Rochester. But even though its close to home...it really doesn't feel that way. We stay in hotel rooms so it's like we are off on our own the whole weekend...that way you won't miss out on the experience!

Please: talk to me, message me, call or email if you are interested. We have a group meeting together who went this year and plans on going next year. We can get you hooked up right away so you know people, can start fundraising, learn about the event and then have an even more amazing time next year!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Church Picnic

St. Francis will be having the annual church picnic on Sunday August 10th from 1-3 pm. There will be food catered by the Canadian Honker and free live entertainment. Everyone should come and enjoy an afternoon together!

Do you like to draw or paint? Have you ever done face painting before? We are looking for a couple young people who might be willing to help out with some face painting at the church picnic. Hours could be used towards Confirmation requirements. Leave a message here or contact Carol for more info. or to sign up. What a fun way to be of service!

a small gift: a big blessing

Did you catch this story in the bulletin this last week? Its a good one:

About three weeks ago a mother and her kindergarten daughter, who goes to St. Francis of Assisi School, knocked on my door (they are neighbors) one evening. The little girl handed me a large baggie full of loose change and said to me, "I have been saving this for some one who needs it. Could you give it to someone for me?"
And now, as Paul Harvey puts it, the rest of the story. A client, coming to the Parish Center for help, was given this bag of loose change as per my request. When told it was from a little girl, the man broke down in tears. He explained that on his way to the Parish Center he was praying about how he would get to where he needed to go; since he was nearly out of gas. His prayers were answered through the generosity of this young child.
God’s love is overwhelming. Charity comes from God through his body and blood in the Eucharist we receive. Which means God is within you. Your love, in God’s name, for your brothers and sisters in need, is one means to salvation as promised by the Son.
God’s blessings be with all of you. Faith Justice

What an impact a person can make. What Bible story does this remind you of?

Mark 12: 41-44
Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on."

Cardboard Box City

Mark your calendars for this awesome event! Cardboard Box City will be held October 17th. You will want to be at this event. We will spend a night at Soldiers Field in a cardboard box. We will listen to live bands, win prizes, have games and food. We will spend the next day doing some service around the city! Cardboard Box City will give us the chance to benefit and serve homeless people in Rochester. What are you doing October 17th? Come spend the weekend with us! (Keep your eyes open for registration!) Click on the title to visit their website and learn more.

Monday, July 14, 2008

service opportunities

There are some upcoming service opportunities for youth looking to fulfill confirmation requirements or any youth willing to help out and have a great time!

The Fall Festival (Oct. 5) needs youth for two different activities. One activity will be supervising kids games/activities. The other activity will be to sell items at the Christmas Table. (If you are interested in selling items, please sign up with one other person.) Each position should be signed up to be covered for 1-2 hrs minimum. The Fall Festival runs from about 8 am to 3 pm.

Please contact me (Carol Crawford) if you are interested and we will get you all set up!
This is a great opportunity to participate in a huge, fun, parish-wide event! Plus, you can volunteer with a friend!

Steubenville North Conference

The Steubenville North Conference in Rochester is planned for this weekend, July 18-20th. I will be there and it looks like it will be alot of fun and a good time. There will be music, small groups, speakers, reconciliation and ALOT more! I will post an update after I get back...I hope to see some of you there!


Hello everyone! It is my pleasure to introduce myself to you. My name is Carol Crawford. I grew up in Coon Rapids, Minnesota. I was recently married on June 7th, 2008 to Tyler Crawford. He is a wonderful man and I am excited about starting our new life together.

I attended school at Crossroads College here in town. I received my bachelor’s degree in Youth and Family Studies as well as Biblical Theology. I have really enjoyed living in Rochester over these past years and I look forward to becoming a permanent member here.

I can’t express how excited and humbled I am to have the opportunity to work with the youth of this parish. I consider it a great responsibility and opportunity. I am sincerely looking forward to meeting as many youth, parents, volunteers, kids and parish members as I can in the following weeks. I would like to meet everyone if I could! I am so excited about what God has planned for this parish.

I think working with youth is exciting and fulfilling. During my formative years there were several key relationships that made a big difference in my view of God, myself and my world.
I hope to be his servant in loving people, cultivating growth and drawing more people into His presence. I have heard so many wonderful things about this parish. I consider myself blessed to have the opportunity to work with a church that is so alive and generous. I only hope to add to that enthusiasm.

I can't wait to meet everyone! Leave me a message/call/ email anytime!

Monday, July 7, 2008


Youth Ministry FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions

Who is involved in the youth group?
Our youth group is open to all students in grades 6-12 who belong to St. Francis of Assisi Church. Generally, our youth events are also open to friends who do not belong to the parish—all young people are welcome! Additionally, the Catholic Parishes of Rochester frequently work together to provide joint youth events and promote other parish events to benefit all Catholic youth in the city.

What activities does the Youth Group offer?
Our goal is to offer a wide variety of opportunities for youth. We want youth to be active and experience all different aspects of our faith and community. Therefore, youth events might look different throughout the year.

Some examples of activities we have held in the past are: Cardboard Box City, Souperbowl of Caring, Advent Gift Wrapping party, Church clean-up, Iron Chef Challenge vs. Holy Spirit Parish, City-wide Middle School Lock-In, Ice Skating, Steubenville Youth Conference, Bowling, Service Projects, Trip to Valley Fair, Boredom Buster Week, Bible Study, DCYC, NCYC, Movie Night Discussions and more!

How do I learn about upcoming Youth Ministry events?
There are several forms of communication to keep parents ‘in the loop’ about Youth Ministry:

In church: Youth Group updates are in the bulletin EVERY WEEK. The church bulletin is a great place to find out what’s going on. The kiosk in the Gathering Space has posters, permission forms, fliers, calendars, etc. Stop by regularly to see what’s new. You can also stop by the Parish Center Office to pick up or drop off permission forms/ money or stop in to talk with Carol.

Online: The number one source to find out about youth events is through the Youth Group Blog. The address is http://www.stfrancisyouthgroup.blogspot.com/. This blog site is updated on a weekly basis with upcoming events. There are also pictures, videos, interactive links, and resources for students and parents. If you haven’t done so already, please visit this site as it is meant to be a resource you and your student.

Another way to stay updated is to request your email be added to the Youth Group email list. Email updates and reminders will be sent on a regular basis regarding Youth Ministry activities. You can also receive electronic versions of permission forms, etc which saves a stop to pick up a form at church! To request your email be added, please submit all requests to youthminister@stfrancis-church.org.

What about mission Trips?
Currently, there are no trips scheduled. However, there is a great desire among the youth of our parish to do so! We are looking at providing a mission trip experience in the summer of 2010. If you would be willing to help organize, chaperone, or lead a group please let Carol know. Adult involvement is a must in order to provide a mission trip opportunity.

Are there leadership roles available for my child?
Yes. We have started a Youth Council for our Middle School students and we will begin a high school youth council this year. Students in the youth council should be dedicated to growing and improving the youth ministry program. Students will offer their gifts and talents to promote youth events, recommend youth group ideas, and lead other students. If your student is interested, please contact Carol.

Why should I encourage my child to participate in Youth Ministry?
There are many benefits to having your child active in the Youth Ministry program. First, Youth Ministry is one of the best ways to get your child active in the parish. Youth ministry offers age appropriate and peer driven events which introduce and call young people into the life of the church. Second, your child will have opportunities to grow in and recognize his/her own faith. Here kids can question, learn, and share with each other. Lastly, it’s fun! Young people will enjoy each others’ company and have positive experiences within the context of the church—all building to a greater sense of connection to our parish and our Catholic faith.

How can I help the Youth Ministry Program?
There are many ways for someone to help the youth ministry program—and we’re always looking for ways to improve. Common ways to support the youth group include: serving as a chaperone or adult supervision, volunteering as a small group leader, offering baked goods or donating food, suggesting youth group ideas, and offering to help implement new events/programs.