Wednesday, May 2, 2012

In the tradition of the Catholic Church, the month of May is a month devoted to Mary, our Blessed Mother.  This is a time in which we can offer her special presents: visits to churches dedicated to her(St. Mary's Chapel at the hospital, for example), studying about her or miracles associated with her, and a more devoted practice of praying the rosary.  Find some way to honor the Mother of God during this month.

On this blog, I will be posting daily meditations of Mary that you may reflect on, and then remember throughout the day. Since it is May 2nd, we'll start there! These come from the "Handbook of Prayers: Student Edition" published by the Midwest Theological Forum.

Mary: The Most Perfect Creature
"She who is full of grace, the object of God's pleasure, exalted above all the angels and the saints, lived an ordinary life.

"Mary is as much a creature as we are, with a heart like ours, made for joy and mirth as well as suffering and tears.  Before Gabriel communicates to her God's plan, our Lady does not know that she has been chosen from all eternity to be the mother of the Messiah. She sees herself as a lowly creature.  That is why she can acknowledge, with full humility, that 'he who is might has done great things' for her."

Today, let us offer our Mother: Many glances of affection and many words of love, when we see her image or picture in our home, in the church, or anywhere.

Be Holy!

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful reflection! Keep up the month of Mary reflections! And great blog too.
