Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ice Skating September 09

Resurrection Church is offering a youth night for Ice Skating, Mass and a movie this Saturday!
Open to all students grades 6-12.

5:30 pm-7:30 pm Ice Skating at the Rec Center
(Bring $5 to skate and extra $2 to rent skates)
8:00 pm Mass at Resurrection Church
9:15 pm-11:00 Movie "Mr. Holland's Opus"
(To celebrate the new school year!)

Sign up through Resurrection Church. Contact youth minister, Dennis Kunkel at or 507-288-5528.

Happy Skating!

Lifeline October 2009

Lifeline Road Trip for Gr. 8-12

Join us for the first road trip on Saturday, October 3.
3:30 pm to Midnight

Theme is: "Truly, Truly Igniting Your Faith" Kick-off Mass with Fr. Bill Baer and Evening Program with Mike Hoffman
"God is good… all the time! And all the time…God is good! Well if God is that great (which He is!) then what about YOU?! In this world where the noise is so loud, what is your response to such a good God? Our generation is being called right now to be louder than the world and be the lampstand on the hill. Now, more than ever, Catholics need to be the feet and hands of God — love in action! You have more impact than you know!"

Michael Hoffman is explosively funny! Hilarious, engaging, entertaining and unique in his ability to reach people on an emotional and practical level at the same time. Be the light that God intended you to be!

Bus loads at Holy Spirit at 3:30 PM and departs at 3:45 PM, bus returns to Holy Spirit at approx. midnightCost is $20 per person which covers everything: (bus, snacks & pizza!) Friends welcome!All participants must turn in a permission slip. Permission slips and fee are due to Holy Spirit no later than Monday, September 28.

CBBC 2009

It’s that time again!
Join us for Cardboard Box City this year!

October 16-17 (MEA Weekend)

What is Cardboard Box City?
Cardboard Box City is an event to raise awareness about homelessness in Rochester. Participants of all ages will experience what it might be like to be homeless by spending one night in a Cardboard Box. All participants are also asked to collect “rent” to stay in Cardboard Box City. All rent money goes to benefit our local organizations such as the Dorothy Day House, Interfaith Hospitality Network and the Salvation Army.

All students grades 7-12 are encouraged to join us. We will meet late afternoon on Friday, head over to Soldiers Field, set up our homes and then spend the night outside! There will be live entertainment and some warm food to keep us going throughout the night. In the morning we’ll wake up early, take down our boxes and have breakfast together in McCarthy Hall.

This is a great experience for all students, but in order to make it happen we NEED PARENT SUPPORT. Support in many different areas is need, registration/paperwork collection, chaperoning, transportation, box donations, supplies donations, food items, etc. If you are interested, please contact Carol.

Confirmation students—look for a sign up sheet at the meetings this weekend for more information. All permission forms are due Wednesday, September 30th.

Keep Your Eyes Open for MORE INFORMATION!

For more information about this event, please visit:

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Youth Mission Choir

Youth Mission Choir
Open to all students in grades 2-12

The Youth Choir will perform for one night of the mission: October 28th at 6:30pm

Practice is 10/21 at 6pm (in Church) and
10/28 at 8am (cry room).
Attending one practice is ok.

Sign up at,
in the gathering space at Church,
or at Faith Formation.