Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Steubenville North Video

Check out the Steubenville North video specifically for Rochester, MN! If you watch closely, you'll be able to see our Rochester group!

High School students (entering and exiting high school included) join us for this great conference this summer to be encouraged in your faith, grow in friendship, and have a great time!

Contact Carol if you'd like to sign up! Email: youthminister@stfrancis-church.org

Need more information? Visit: www.partnershipforyouth.org

Friday, January 15, 2010

Meeting Cancelled

The Souper bowl meeting for Saturday, January 16th has been cancelled. Instead, I am sending out information about this activity to any students interested. Please send me an email at youthminister@stfrancis-church.org if you would like information.

Souper Bowl Collection will still take place on Saturday and Sunday of Superbowl weekend, February 6 and 7.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Your help is needed:

'Birthday Party in a Box' Collection
During the "Heaven Bound" City-wide lock-in coming up on Jan. 29th middle school youth (grades 6-8) will be creating and assembling Birthday Party Boxes. They will be putting party decorations, cake mixes (and toppings!), and party favors in a box, then decorating those boxes to give to Channel One. We need your help in getting these supplies!

Cake Mixes
canned frosting
birthday candles
and any other party favors.

If you’d like to help, please bring any of the listed supplies to Faith Formation or deliver to the Birthday Box in the Gathering Space by Wednesday Jan. 27th.

Thanks for your help!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Girl's Night

Coming in February
Open to all girls in grades 7-12
Watch for more information!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Iron Chef 2009 Update

On Saturday, December 19th we held our second annual Iron Chef Competition. The goal was to create a holiday treat using the secret ingredient within the amount of time given. The secret ingredient this year was CREAM CHEESE. Students opened the secret ingredient at 10 am and had until 1 pm to make, decorate and transport their creation to St. Francis!

We had a total of 7 teams—4 middle school and 3 high school teams with a total of about 20 kids participating. The kids enjoyed lunch while each team took a turn presenting their dishes to the judges.

Holy Spirit teams swept the competition winning both the middle school and the high school divisions and taking home the GOLDEN SPATULA. The winning creations were a cheesecake at the high school level and some cream cheese “snowballs” for the middle school level. The scoring was close and St. Francis teams gave them a run for their money!

Thanks to all students, parents and host kitchens who made this event a success!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Middle School Lock-In

Registration is Open!

All middle School students are invited to participate in this year’s middle school lock –in Jan 29th-30th at St. John the Evangelist Church. (Friends are welcome too!)

Registration Forms can be found in the Gathering Space Kiosk, in the Parish Center Office or you can request an electronic copy here.

All forms and payment due by Wednesday, January 27th. After that, $20 at the door. Checks should be made payable to St. Francis Church.

Chaperones are needed, please see the registration form for details!!