Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Raking Day

Help needed for the RAKING DAY!

Saturday, November 6th
10 am- 12 pm

During the Fall Festival, parishoners were able to bid on a day of raking from St. Francis youth!  As you may know, the money raised from the fall festival benefits the parish and so this is a great service project for our youth.  Now we need your help!  If you are able to help rake on Saturday, November 6th we would like your help!

Items to bring:
-Warm clothing

I will be there to help you rake. We will work until the yard is finished and all leaves are picked up (about noon). I will provide lawn bags along with juice and donuts when we stop to take a break.

Please let me know if you have a vehicle in which you could help carry lawn bags to the recycling center. If you have a truck or trailer---that would be a great help! We’d like to get rid of all the leaves for this family!

If any parents, siblings or friends would like to come along to help in our efforts please invite them to join us! The more people we have, the quicker we can work!

Again, this is a good service to the church and this family!  If you're able, consider joining us in a morning of service!
If you are able to participate, please contact Carol Crawford by email at youthminister@stfrancis-church.org or phone at 288-7313.

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