Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Photo Safari UPDATE

Wednesday was all about learning how to take better pictures! (And so we have ALOT of them to show!) We were very fortunate to have our very own Karen Davis as our instructor. Karen has plenty of photography experience from years selling cameras, and teaching photography couses through Commnunity Education. She has come to be known as the "Rochester Photography Lady" because of her vast knowledge and teaching skills.

That being said, the kids were grateful to have such a teacher. Karen provided wonderful activities throughout the day. Still life scenes, creative and colorful materials and props along with different shooting techniques and perspectives challenged our creativity. We also got the chance to do some photography experiments with speed and action shots---it was a full day with plenty of creative opportunities.

Although we did not make it outside for a "safari" most of the kids expressed interest in taking such an excursion this summer with Karen. (Keep your eyes open for that opportunity!)

Thanks, Karen, for providing such a great activity!

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