Dear Parents,
Welcome to the St. Francis of Assisi youth ministry page! I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you and share a little bit about our ministry with youth.
First, let’s get acquainted! My name is Carol Crawford and I serve as the Youth Ministry Coordinator for middle school and high school youth. I live with my family here in Rochester. We really enjoy the city and feel blessed by the community of St. Francis of Assisi Parish.
I have had the privilege of meeting and building relationships with so many families here at St. Francis and I look forward to getting to know your family better as well. There are many, varied opportunities for youth to build community, grow in faith, get connected to parish life, participate in service, and learn more about our Catholic Identity. The youth group provides a safe, welcoming place for your child to have fun and have faith!
Please encourage your son or daughter to be involved in our parish. We are well aware of the sacrifices and stress that parents are under. I can assure you that we are working hard and doing our best to provide quality programs and meaningful experiences. You've already found the best way to get youth ministry information: the youth blog! Visit often to find out the latest information.
Thank you for allowing us to be a partner in ministry with your child. Thisis truly a ministry that we share and therefore your input and communication is vital and appreciated!
My door is always open. If there are ever any questions, comments, or ideas you’d like to share with me---please feel free to do so!
God bless you and your family!
Carol Crawford
Youth Ministry Coordinator
St. Francis of Assisi Church