Sunday, April 7, 2013

Happy Birthday, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati! ...Yesterday! ;)

Called "The Man of the Eight Beatitudes" by Blessed John Paul II, Pier Giorgio was a young man who truly lived out his love for Jesus Christ. Born on April 6th, 1901 in Turin, Italy, Pier Giorgio went on to live a life full of adventure, prayer, and service to the poor.  He was born into a quite wealthy family, but as he grew and learned about the world around him, he started to use that wealth to help those without it:
   - He would often give his bus money to the poor, and then have to run home to make it for meals
   - He would give his shoes/coat to people without them
   - He got a job so that he could support numerous homeless people by buying them medications needed to keep them healthy.
   - When asked if he wanted a car or money after graduation, he said money, which he then promptly gave to the poor.

But his life was not just about this service. He was also quite the adventurer! He and his friends, a young group of guys, would often play practical jokes on each other, and go hiking up into the mountains.They would often play pool together...if his friends won, they would ask for money. If Pier Giorgio won, they all would have to go to Eucharistic Adoration for an hour with him! :)


Pier Giorgio saw the Eucharist, prayer, and devotion to the Blessed Mother as the main pillars of his life. As a youth, he would often get up very early, run a few miles to Mass, then back home before breakfast. He did this without his parents knowing since he thought that they wouldn't approve. Family life was sometimes difficult for him because he felt that his parents didn't understand him very well.  While he would be joyful, active, and loud outside of the home, when it came to supper time he was often more subdued.

There is so much more to Pier Giorgio's life, and I encourage you to learn more! Try HERE! Or HERE!! He packed a lot into a short few years.  In the mid 1920s, he contracted polio, most likely from one of the poor he was taking care of, and died at the age of 24 - July 4th, 1925.  Since came from a wealthy family, his funeral was a big deal. Many well known, similarly wealthy figures were present. A surprise came to his parents, though, when thousands of poor and others from throughout the city showed up! They received a surprise to, as they found that this anonymous young man who was serving them turned out to come from such a wealthy family!

He was beatitufed by Blessed John Paul II on May 20th, 1990.  Truly a man to look to for a model of Christian living.  He most definitely put others before himself, but above all, God.

"Verso l'alto," he would often say: "Toward the top."

Be Holy.