Friday, February 1, 2013

March for Life!

March for Life - 2013
March for Life 2013

...what an amazing experience! Next year, if you're able to go...go! It is amazing to see that many people (that many youth!) courageously defending life.

Of course, once again this year as in years past, the mass media chose not to really give the March all that much coverage.  There were 650,000 people peacefully walking past the capital building and supreme court to demonstrate that abortion is wrong...the only news story that I saw said "A few thousand anti-abortion..."  Hmm. No mention of Pro-Life, no mention that there were more than half a million people there! Sad indeed.

The experience though, was very neat. Mass and Youth Rally with 17,000 high school and college students, seeing the Sisters of Life and other faithful religious orders running around, taking a 20 hr bus ride across the country, touring the largest Catholic Church in North America! So great! I promised you go :) You can find them HERE!

Some highlights:
- Lunch with the Sisters of Life!
- Rosary, Mass, and Youth Rally with 17,000 students!
This is just before Mass! All the empty seats are for priests. :)
- Praying at St. Matthew's Cathedral, in the St. Anthony Chapel, infront of a mosaic of St. Francis of Assisi! A candle is lit there for all of the St. Francis parishoniers in Rochester. :)
- The March with 650,000 other defenders of LIFE
- Uniting our sufferings of fatigue, discomfort on the bus, freezing weather, hunger, and pain to the Cross of Christ, in order that He might use our suffering to help those who are unborn.

Praise the Lord!

Be Holy.

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