Friday, December 21, 2012

Dec 21st, 2012

December 21st! The end of the world? False! Matthew 24:36...look it up. :) We know neither the day nor the time. So take courage, and keep living radically for Jesus Christ! :) Praise the Lord!

Today is also the Winter Solstice...the shortest day of the year!


Things only get brighter from here! How fitting that this day happens so close to Christmas, when we celebrate the Light of the World coming to Earth. :) This theme is also reflected in the Antiphon for today. Check it out:

Dec 21st - O dawn of the east, brightness of light eternal, and sun of justice: come, and enlighten those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.

Dawn of the east...the sun...the SON! He comes to cast out sin and darkenss and death! What hope we have in Christ! Pray that He may enter your own sin and darkness...He will heal you. Be prepared, though, to be used by Him in wonderous ways! He will use you to your full potential to help others defeat their own darkness...what an adventure life with Christ is. :) Praise the Lord!

Check out a deeper reflection HERE again by Fr Z.


Be Holy.

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