Friday, June 22, 2012

Happy Friday! Happy Rochester Fest Parade Day! Happy Feast Day of St.s John Fisher and Thomas More! Lots to celebrate today! Praise the Lord. :)

Today was also the final day TOTUS TUUS here at St. Francis! What a wonderful week it was! We had a great group of kids signed up, a wonderful team leading, and superb helpers all around. Thank you so much to all involved! Pictures will be coming soon!

Just a reminder, this coming Monday is the first High School Youth Night of the summer! We'll be meeting in the Activity Room of the parish center at 6pm! It should be a great evening of...whatever happens! Games? Fire? Movie? Discussion? Maybe a little bit of all of them! There will be food!

If you are in need of permission forms, you can find them HERE, or as always, on the kiosk in the Gathering space. Forms that are out so far...HS Youth Night, and the Just Show Up Retreat. Check out the bulletin, or here next week, for more info!

Praise the Lord! Let us all be Totus Tuus...Totally belonging to Jesus, through Mary!

Be Holy!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Praise the Lord!

This past Friday - June 15th, on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Deacon Jason Kern was ordained, now known as Father Jason Kern, from now until Eternity! It was a beautiful Mass and celebration, full of the Joy of Christ!

The Sacred Heart of Jesus...continually pouring out His Mercy on the world, always ready to forgive and embrace us with His love.

Often paired with the Sacred Heart, is the Immaculate Heart of Mary...which is today! June 16th! The Immaculate Heart of our Blessed Mother is continually offering our prayers to her Son, interceding for us! What a blessing we have in her! Here are some of my favorite pictures of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts. :) Which are your favorites??


Today is also the Feast day of St. Peregrine, who is the patron Saint of Cancer patients. I have known a number of people who have had cancer, and I'm sure many of you may as well. Please consider praying specifically for them today. Entrusting their healing to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and to the prayers of St. Peregrine.  Thank you!
Some good prayers HERE!

Be imitators of the Saints...Be Holy!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Today, the Church celebrates the feast day of St. Anthony of Padua. Personally, I celebrate this feast day because my middle name is Anthony! Check out this video describing some of his life...over 5 minutes, but well worth it! When someone loses something, often others say "ask St. Anthony for help!" This is the guy they are talking about! Also, San Antonio, TX was named after him. :)

You can also read more about him HERE!

I'd also like to remind/invite you all to two exciting events coming up:

1) The first, again, is TOTUS TUUS! June 17-21(Grades 7-12) and June 18-22 (Grades 1-6)

There is still time to register! This is the first year St. Francis of Assisi Parish is putting on this program, so we want to make it GOOD! Sign up and come enjoy a week of faith and fun! Middle and high schoolers...join us in the will not be disappointed! And please invite friends! 

Forms can be found HERE!
If you are interested in volunteering for this event, contact Matthew!

2) The second is an event for the whole Diocese of Winona! Entitled "Turning our Gaze to Christ" this two day conference aims to present solid Catholic teaching for the whole family. There is both an adult and youth track for speakers, Mass, Eucharistic adoration, reconciliation, and more! All for the cheap price of $20 a person, or $50 max for a whole family! Individual days are cheaper. This type of conference anywhere else would cost more than 100 or 200 dollars!

So check it out and register! June 22nd and 23rd at the Rochester Civic Center and St. John's Parish. You can see the whole schedule HERE!  And more information HERE!  I would not advise missing this!

St. Anthony of Padua, pray for us!
Be Holy!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A couple of reminders for you all:
Summer Youth Group Kick-Off!
When: June 11th - 6-8pm

Where: Homestead Park - on the Corner of 15th Ave SE and 8 1/2 St SE
What: Games, Frisbee, snacks, fun, fellowship! In short, just a great care free night with a great Catholic community.
Who: Youth and their families!

If you're attending without an adult, a permission form is required.  They can be obtained in the gathering space of the church or....HERE!

June 17-21(Grades 7-12) and June 18-22 (Grades 1-6)
There is still time to register, even though it is only a week and a half a way! This is the first year St. Francis of Assisi Parish is putting on this program, so we want to make it GOOD! So sign up and come enjoy a week of faith and fun! Middle and high schoolers...join us in the will not be disappointed!

Forms can be found HERE!

Also, we are looking for volunteers to help provide meals for the teaching team, as well as housing. The team is 2 college age women, and 2 young men(usually seminarians), so one family for each set would be helpful! Please pray about both of these requests and let me know if you would like to help out!

Today is the Feast day of St. Norbert! Head HERE to learn more about this priest that lived 1,000 years ago! 

And remember, always, everywhere, in everything...Praise the Lord!

Be Holy. :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Happy June!

As you may know, we just finished the month of May, a month dedicated to honoring our Blessed Mother, Mary.  Now in June, we turn to the one that  Mary always leads us to, her Son, Jesus Christ.  June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (the official Feast Day is June 15th this year!).  A whole month for His Sacred Heart, which is always ready to shower us with love, mercy, and grace.  Beautiful!
The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Also! June is the start of our Summer Youth Group gatherings! You can find schedules in the gathering space of the church, or right here on this website! It all starts off on June 11th with the Summer Kick-Off!

When: June 11th - 6-8pm
Where: Homestead Park - on the Corner of 15th Ave SE and 8 1/2 St SE
What: Games, Frisbee, snacks, fun, fellowship! In short, just a great care free night with a great Catholic community.
Who: Youth and their families!

There will be many other activities to get involved in throughout the summer! Totus Tuus, Steubenville, middle school and high school youth nights, bonfires, movies, and events where you just have to show up to see what happens! It'll be great! We hope to see you sometime soon!

Be Holy!