Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Wall- Movie Event

(click on the picture to read the Bishops' review)

Remember to bring your $6 for the movie.
Please arrive at the activity room at church between noon and 12:15 pm. We will hang out in the activity room before we go to the movie.
We will eat lunch at about 12:15 pm.
This way, your kids will be checked in and Carol can tell you any last minute details, if necessary.
We will leave for the movie at 12:50 pm.
We will return at approximately 3:30 pm
We will then talk about stewardship and start working on church projects.
Parents can pick kids up at 5 pm in the parking lot.

Do you still want to go to Wall-E?
There is still time.
Call carol at 289-2427!

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