Monday, May 23, 2011

June Movie Night-Life is Beautiful

Movie Monday: Life is Beautiful
June 20th 6-9:30 pm
Activity Room

No permission form necessary for high school movie mondays.    Please bring a snack to share.  Hot dogs, popcorn and lemonade will be provided!

We'll begin our night with frisbee/football outside, snacks then movie.  Afterwards we'll discuss the movie and share our reactions.  If you've never seen this film--please come and try it out with us.  You won't regret it!

Catholic Bishops Review:
Life Is Beautiful -- Bittersweet comic fable in which an Italian Jewish bookseller (Roberto Benigni) uses his imagination to convince his little son that their grim existence in a Nazi concentration camp is just an elaborate contest and that they are sure to win the grand prize. Also co-written and directed by Benigni, the story starts off as a slapstick comedy with the young man courting his future wife, then midway becomes a touchingly human story of a parent's irrepressible determination to protect his child from terror and misery. Subtitles or dubbed. Theme of genocide. (A-II) (PG-13) ( 1998 )

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