Lifeline Road Trip for Gr. 8-12
Join us for the first road trip on Saturday, October 3.
3:30 pm to Midnight
Theme is: "Truly, Truly Igniting Your Faith" Kick-off Mass with Fr. Bill Baer and Evening Program with Mike Hoffman
"God is good… all the time! And all the time…God is good! Well if God is that great (which He is!) then what about YOU?! In this world where the noise is so loud, what is your response to such a good God? Our generation is being called right now to be louder than the world and be the lampstand on the hill. Now, more than ever, Catholics need to be the feet and hands of God — love in action! You have more impact than you know!"
Michael Hoffman is explosively funny! Hilarious, engaging, entertaining and unique in his ability to reach people on an emotional and practical level at the same time. Be the light that God intended you to be!
Bus loads at Holy Spirit at 3:30 PM and departs at 3:45 PM, bus returns to Holy Spirit at approx. midnightCost is $20 per person which covers everything: (bus, snacks & pizza!) Friends welcome!All participants must turn in a permission slip. Permission slips and fee are due to Holy Spirit no later than Monday, September 28.